I am using Jquery UI to drag and drop and resize images. I am resizing the image within the div and dragging the Div to resolve the bug in Jquery UI if one drags and resizes div.
How do I find the div ID of the image being resized?
My code is as follows:
$("img").resizable({ handles:'n,e,s,w,ne,se,nw,sw' , maxHeight: 300, aspectRatio: true,
stop: function(event, ui) { alert( // want to send div ID of the image);} });
HTML code
<div id="pic1" style="float:left"> <img src="image source" height="150"></div>
I already tried unsuccessfully to get div ID of the image
1. using ui.originalElement[0].attr('id'), ui.originalElement.attr('id')
2. using event.trigger.id
This should give you what you were after