I'm refactoring some old code and would appreciate some help on this, I think It's most likely a misunderstanding of async/await and ES6 modules on my part.
I have two files; Utils.js:
import { displayInfo } from './DisplayInfo';
const someApi = "https://....";
const apiPromise = async (string) => {
let response = await fetch(someApi + string);
let json = await response.json();
return json;
const getFooBarInformation = () => {
const promiseAll = Promise.all([apiPromise('foo'), apiPromise('bar')]);
const array = [];
const dictionary = {};
.then(response => {
/* Populate array and dictionary, then merge into one array 'mergedInformation' */
.catch(errors => {
/* Handle Errors */
export { getFooBarInformation }
And Main.js:
import { getFooBarInformation } from './Utils';
Ideally, I would like to be able to return mergedInformation to main.js which can then call displayInformation() as I feel like this is far more readable. Like below:
import { getFooBarInformation } from './Utils';
import { displayInfo } from './DisplayInfo';
const mergedInformation = getFooBarInformation();
I think that means I would have to update getFooBarInformation to an async function as well but I am not sure how I would return mergedInformation array if that is the case.
const mergedInformation = await getFooBarInformation();
const getFooBarInformation = async () => {
const response = await Promise.all([apiPromise('foo'), apiPromise('bar')])
/* Populate array and dictionary, then merge into one array 'mergedInformation' */
return mergedInformation;
and then:
try {
const mergedInformation = await getFooBarInformation();
} catch(errors) {
/* Handle Errors */
but this last part has to be inside of an async function, otherwise you can do:
.then(mergedInform => displayInformation(mergedInformation))
.catch(errors => /* handle errors */ )