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NSwagStudio Generated C# Client Offsets Dates

I am using NSwagStudio to generate a C# client and in general it's working great. However, I just discovered that it's not recognizing the timezone properly in date strings. I am getting an auth token back from the API with an expiration. That expiration string in the JSON looks like this: 2022-09-21T22:09:34.722Z. With the Z modifier there it should know that it's UTC. When I create a new application and just use DateTime.Parse() and put in that string it gives me a date that reflects correctly in my local time zone (GMT-6). However, when the client parses this object, the date value is showing as if this is my local time (i.e. the example date would show as 10:09PM my time when it should actually be 10:09PM UTC which is 4:09PM my time).

Here is my nswag.json file:

  "runtime": "Net60",
  "defaultVariables": null,
  "documentGenerator": {
    "fromDocument": {
      "json": "",
      "url": "*my/swagger/json/location*",
      "output": null,
      "newLineBehavior": "Auto"
  "codeGenerators": {
    "openApiToCSharpClient": {
      "clientBaseClass": "ClientBase",
      "configurationClass": null,
      "generateClientClasses": true,
      "generateClientInterfaces": true,
      "clientBaseInterface": "IClient",
      "injectHttpClient": true,
      "disposeHttpClient": true,
      "protectedMethods": [],
      "generateExceptionClasses": true,
      "exceptionClass": "ApiException",
      "wrapDtoExceptions": true,
      "useHttpClientCreationMethod": false,
      "httpClientType": "System.Net.Http.HttpClient",
      "useHttpRequestMessageCreationMethod": true,
      "useBaseUrl": true,
      "generateBaseUrlProperty": true,
      "generateSyncMethods": false,
      "generatePrepareRequestAndProcessResponseAsAsyncMethods": false,
      "exposeJsonSerializerSettings": false,
      "clientClassAccessModifier": "internal",
      "typeAccessModifier": "public",
      "generateContractsOutput": false,
      "contractsNamespace": null,
      "contractsOutputFilePath": null,
      "parameterDateTimeFormat": "s",
      "parameterDateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
      "generateUpdateJsonSerializerSettingsMethod": true,
      "useRequestAndResponseSerializationSettings": false,
      "serializeTypeInformation": false,
      "queryNullValue": "",
      "className": "{controller}Client",
      "operationGenerationMode": "MultipleClientsFromFirstTagAndOperationId",
      "additionalNamespaceUsages": [],
      "additionalContractNamespaceUsages": [],
      "generateOptionalParameters": true,
      "generateJsonMethods": true,
      "enforceFlagEnums": false,
      "parameterArrayType": "System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable",
      "parameterDictionaryType": "System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary",
      "responseArrayType": "System.Collections.Generic.ICollection",
      "responseDictionaryType": "System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary",
      "wrapResponses": false,
      "wrapResponseMethods": [],
      "generateResponseClasses": true,
      "responseClass": "SwaggerResponse",
      "namespace": "my.namespace",
      "requiredPropertiesMustBeDefined": true,
      "dateType": "System.DateTime",
      "jsonConverters": null,
      "anyType": "object",
      "dateTimeType": "System.DateTime",
      "timeType": "System.TimeSpan",
      "timeSpanType": "System.TimeSpan",
      "arrayType": "System.Collections.Generic.ICollection",
      "arrayInstanceType": "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection",
      "dictionaryType": "System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary",
      "dictionaryInstanceType": "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary",
      "arrayBaseType": "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection",
      "dictionaryBaseType": "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary",
      "classStyle": "Poco",
      "jsonLibrary": "NewtonsoftJson",
      "generateDefaultValues": true,
      "generateDataAnnotations": true,
      "excludedTypeNames": [],
      "excludedParameterNames": [],
      "handleReferences": false,
      "generateImmutableArrayProperties": false,
      "generateImmutableDictionaryProperties": false,
      "jsonSerializerSettingsTransformationMethod": null,
      "inlineNamedArrays": false,
      "inlineNamedDictionaries": false,
      "inlineNamedTuples": true,
      "inlineNamedAny": false,
      "generateDtoTypes": true,
      "generateOptionalPropertiesAsNullable": false,
      "generateNullableReferenceTypes": false,
      "templateDirectory": null,
      "typeNameGeneratorType": null,
      "propertyNameGeneratorType": null,
      "enumNameGeneratorType": null,
      "serviceHost": null,
      "serviceSchemes": null,
      "output": "Client.cs",
      "newLineBehavior": "Auto"

I can step through the client in the debugger and see it create the serializer with the settings (which I don't currently have exposed to change). Here is what the relevant properties of the serializer say:

Serializer Settings

As far as I can tell that should parse out correctly, but it doesn't when it actually comes to it...

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here or how to correct it?


  • The DateTime from the serializer will have a DateTimeKind of DateTimeKind.Utc. Unfortunately, comparing that with another DateTime (even of type DateTimeKind.Local), will ignore the Kind and just compare them as is. If this is a problem, you can compare to DateTime.UtcNow. Alternatively, you can deserialize as DateTimeOffset, which will take in to account the Offset when making comparisons.