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Refit - ApiResponse<T> wrapping in a methods cannot get access to content

I am using refit and works great but I am also new to it.

I have the need to wrap up ApiResponse in a call (see below) because within this method I will do things like

  • Logging
  • Handling exceptions
  • etc.. but I cannot make it work as its null!!


   var response = await ExecuteAsync(() => webApiClient.GetStuff());

Method where apiresponse is null

public async Task<T> ExecAsync<T>(
        Func<Task<T>> method) where T : class
       T apiResponse = await method.Invoke();
        ApiResponse<T> apiResponseOfT =apiResponse as ApiResponse<T>;//this is null
        if (apiResponseOfT.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            //do other stuff
            return apiResponse;
            //do some logging etc..
            return apiResponse;

What Am I doing wrong - Why is it null? Is it possible to return just the apiResponse.Content?

How do I wrap up ApiResponse in an ExecAsync?


See below to give more context ...

    Task<ApiResponse<GetCustomerResponse>> GetCustomers();
    public class GetCustomerResponse:ResponseBase
        //various properties here...
     public abstract class ResponseBase
          public bool IsSuccess { get; set; }
    ApiResponse<GetCustomerResponse> response = await ExecuteAsync(() => webApiClient.GetCustomers())


  • Change the declaration to public async Task<ApiResponse<T>> ExecAsync<T>(Func<Task<ApiResponse<T>>> method) where T : class and changing the implementation accordingly should do. Something like

    public async Task<ApiResponse<T>> ExecAsync<T>(
        Func<Task<ApiResponse<T>>> method) where T : class
        var apiResponseOfT = await method();
        if (apiResponseOfT.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            //do other stuff
            return apiResponse;
            //do some logging etc..
            return apiResponse;

    If you are not planning to throw any exception, you can just return after if-else instead.