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argMax of two columns in clickhouse

Is that possible to get id for maximum value of timestamp and duration. I am looking for query like

SELECT name, argMax(id, (timestamp, duration)) FROM tables GROUP BY name


  • It's unclear what you mean by the maximum.

    Clickhouse is able to compare tuples from the left to the right

    select (2022, 1, 1) > (2021, 12, 31);
    ┌─greater((2022, 1, 1), (2021, 12, 31))─┐
    │                                     1 │

    In this case you should use

    SELECT name, argMax(id, (timestamp, duration)) 
    FROM tables 
    GROUP BY name

    And Clickhouse has a function greatest

    select greatest(2021, 2023);
    ┌─greatest(2021, 2023)─┐
    │                 2023 │

    Then you should use

    SELECT name, argMax(id, greatest(timestamp, duration)) 
    FROM tables 
    GROUP BY name