I want to make a generic component using styled components which will accept the styling properties as props. IN my case it will be a Card which will have title, avatar, name, badge and other stuff.
I want each of the element to have style prop which can be done and that something I know but how do I pass props for hover and active state stylings ?
Sample code: https://codesandbox.io/s/bold-mendel-lismke?file=/src/App.tsx
I want a different background on hover, I've tried but that's not working, how do I achieve that ?
Edit: Also I want to show a different background color when card is clicked and it will remain the same unless the user toggles
You're overriding styles from "styled components" with your style
<StyledCard style={props.cardStyle} // <-- don't use this with styled-components
You can use one or the other but don't mix them. When using styled components, pass the styles instead:
<StyledCard {...props}>
and define your styled-component as:
const StyledCard = styled.div`
background-color: ${(props: CardProps) => props.cardStyle.background};
width: ${(props: CardProps) => props.cardStyle.width}px;
height: ${(props: CardProps) => props.cardStyle.height}px;
&:hover {
background-color: ${(props: CardProps) => props.hoverBackground};
You can see this sandbox for reference.