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Run supertest e2e with dynamic url for different environments using cli

I have a nestjs backend api server within a monorepo. I want to do integration test using supertest. I have currently configured e2e against jest --env=node --verbose command in package.json. For example, check if http://localhost:8112/health return OK.

  it('should pass', async () => {
    const res = await request(http://localhost:8112/health)

I want the api url endpoint to be dynamic. If its staging or if prod How do i achieve the same?


  • Create two separate ts files where two different environment variables are specified like below:

    process.env = Object.assign(process.env, {
      SERVICE_API_TEST_URL: 'http://localhost:8112',
      DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: 60000,

    we can switch the file passing as cli agrument setupfile

    nx run api-server:e2e --setupFile=apps/api-server/e2e-test-stg-environment.ts
    nx run api-server:e2e --setupFile=apps/api-server/e2e-test-dev-environment.ts