I'm completely new to eBPF, I tried to find an answer to this but can't so I was hoping to get some help.
Take Liz's ebpf.py example
It looks like this:
int hello_world(void *ctx) {
u64 uid;
u64 counter = 0;
u64 *p;
uid = bpf_get_current_uid_gid() & 0xFFFFFFFF;
p = clones.lookup(&uid);
if (p != 0) {
counter = *p;
clones.update(&uid, &counter);
return 0;
This then makes me wonder, for the map named clones she calls the update method. She enters a pointer to a stack-allocated variable (counter), does this not cause undefined behaviour when the stack frame is deallocated.
A possible option is that the value within the pointer is copied instead of stored as a pointer.
But then, according to this reference guide BPF_HASH can specify the leaf_type (value of the map). Meaning you can set it to a struct, which can't necessarily be copied.
I feel like I'm missing something so I'm thankful for any explanation for the matter.
A possible option is that the value within the pointer is copied instead of stored as a pointer.
That's correct. The value pointed to by the pointer is copied in the memory buffer allocated for the map's value.
Meaning you can set it to a struct, which can't necessarily be copied.
Why wouldn't that be possible? Note the kernel doesn't really care that it's a struct. It sees a pointer to a memory buffer with a size (the map's value size); it simply copies whatever is in that buffer to the memory buffer allocated for the map value.