const downloadurl = ['url1', 'url2']
const filename = 'run.jar'
downloadurl.forEach((urls) => {
https.get(urls, (httpsres) => {
const path = `${installationdirectory}/${filename}`
const filePath = fs.createWriteStream(path);
filePath.on('finish',() => {
const filesize = fs.statSync(path).size
// Verify if the size of the file is smaller than 1Kb
if((filesize / 1024) < 1) return;
// Want to skip this console.log if the file size is smaller than 1Kb and try with the other downloadurl (Hence why the downloadurl.forEach)
console.log('File downloaded!');
I'm using the https module from NodeJS which doesn't give an error if the download url doesn't exist, as it just creates a 1-byte file with the run.jar
name instead. So, I want to make it stop executing code and try to download with the other URL if the size of the file is smaller than 1Kb, any ideas?
Used @Matt's comment as it was the simplest one to implement (And I didn't know that the HTTPS module does have a response to check the status code).
const downloadurl = ['url1', 'url2']
const filename = 'run.jar'
downloadurl.forEach((urls) => {
https.get(urls, (httpsres) => {
if(httpsres.statusCode !== 200) {
return console.log(`Attempt of downloading failed with ${httpsres.statusCode} error! Retrying with another download URL`);
} else {
const path = `${installationdirectory}/${filename}`
const filePath = fs.createWriteStream(path);
filePath.on('finish',() => {
const filesize = fs.statSync(path).size
// Verify if the size of the file is smaller than 1Kb
if((filesize / 1024) < 1) return;
// Want to skip this console.log if the file size is smaller than 1Kb and try with the other downloadurl (Hence why the downloadurl.forEach)
console.log('File downloaded!');