I have 2 classes Student
and Teacher
and one interface ICanOperate
. The child class Student
implements the interface ICanOperate
. How to check whether the super class Teacher
implements the interface as well?
open class Teacher(
var name: String,
var registry: Int,
internal var phoneNumber: String
override fun toString(): String {
return ("$name, $registry, $phoneNumber")
class Student(name : String, registry : Int, phoneNumber : String , var badgeNumber : String) : ICanOperate , Teacher (name, registry , phoneNumber) {
override fun OperateClass(): String {
return "Book please"
override fun toString(): String {
return ("$name ($registry) - $phoneNumber Badge : $badgeNumber" );
interface ICanOperate {
fun OperateClass () : String;
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
var obj = Student("Ash", 157, "9029897581", "B00894354")
var obj3 = Teacher("Elon", 1232, "9029893188")
How to check whether the super class Teacher implements the interface as well?
It doesn't. We know it from the code: Teacher
doesn't implement the interface.
However, I think what you meant is "how to check whether some instance of Teacher
happens to be of a class that does implement the interface?".
In that case, you can do it simply using an is
if (someTeacher is ICanOperate) {
// do something