I am trying to get sum of previous element and add this to the existing list.
This is my current list:
ongoing: [
id: 'id1',
name: 'clientName',
productionTime: 15,
id: 'id2',
name: 'client',
productionTime: '15'
this is the result I want to achieve:
ongoing: [
id: 'id1',
name: 'clientName',
productionTime: 15,
sumofprevious: 15
id: 'id2',
name: 'client',
productionTime: 15,
sumofprevious: 30 (note: this comes from 15 + 15)
I use vuejs 3 with Pinia.
I tried many codes/examples but this is the closest one but it doesn't work as I want it. It doesn't read productionTime from ongoing
const thisList = computed(() => {
let array = storeOrders.ongoing.productionTime,
sum = 0,
newarray = array.map(value => sum += value)
return console.log(newarray)
You can use computed property:
const { computed, reactive } = Vue
const app = Vue.createApp({
setup() {
let ongoing = reactive([{id: 'id1', name: 'clientName', productionTime: 15,}, {id: 'id2', name: 'client', productionTime: '15'}])
const res = computed(() => {
let sum = 0
return ongoing.map(o => {
sum += +o.productionTime
return {...o, sumofprevious: sum}
const add = () => {
ongoing.push({id: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), name: 'name', productionTime: Math.ceil(Math.random() * 20),})
return { ongoing, res, add };
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>
<div id="demo">
<button @click="add">add</button>
<br />
ongoing: {{ ongoing }}
<br /><br />
result: {{ res }}