I am using OR criteria in query to exclude data with specific text but it seems that OR criteria is not working. Check The below image in which I used the query function to exclude data where Column B is 'West' or 'East' but the its not working.
Any help on above will be appreciated.
Formula used:-
=QUERY(A1:B14,"Select * Where A is not null and (B<>'West' or B<>'East')")
A1 is not null, B1 is not "East". Both are true for C1. You're looking for and
. See De Morgan's law: When you negate, you use and
=QUERY(A1:B14,"Select * Where A is not null and B<>'West' and B<>'East'")
=QUERY(A1:B14,"Select * Where A is not null and not (B='West' or B='East')")