I want to compile and link some cython (and cython_freeze) generated c files into an executable (on Windows and Linux)
I can do this by setting up (a machine specifc) environment (eg what C compiler, where is it installed (path), what include directories, what lib directories...) and calling cl directly (with some os specific options).
But cythonize is is able to compile cython created c files into dynamic libraries without me explicitly setting any machine or os specific settings (just using distutils).
Is there a simple way of using distutils / setuptools to do that (ie compile a c file into a object and link multiple objects into a executable)?
NB: I don't want any of the complex setup logic normally in setup.py. Just the plain compile and link primitives for my development machines.
There is a quite simple solution (that is not really documented):
import sys
import sysconfig
#from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler # distutils is currently deprecated
from setuptools._distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
compiler = new_compiler()
compiler.add_library_dir(sysconfig.get_config_var("installed_platbase") + "/libs")
if sys.platform == "linux":
for lib in sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBS").split():
objectFiles = compiler.compile(["source1.c", "source2.c", "test.rc"])
compiler.link_executable(objectFiles, "test")