I have a page that is making a few heavy API calls when loading, it takes around 5-7 seconds to collect all the data. I referenced [this question] and decided to add a loader with setTimeout
to simulate additional "API calls" and timed loading time with and without the loader.
Without the loader it took - 6.92 secs
With the loader it took - 14.05 secs
This is my code:
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
async function updateUI() {
const ethers_owner = await administrativeSidechainContract.owner()
setContractOwner(() => {
return {contractOwner: ethers_owner.toLowerCase()}})
const ethers_matchCountMessage = await administrativeSidechainContract.matchCount()
setMatchCount(() => {
return {matchCount: ethers_matchCountMessage,}})
//here is the loader simulation
setTimeout(() => {
}, 7000);
}, [])
return (
{loading ?
<div className="loader-container"></div> :
<div className="decks-container"></div>}
From my testing it seems that the loader just increases the page loading time by whichever amount of setTimeout
that I set.
How do make I make data loading time and setTimeout times overlap rather than go on top of each other?
Thanks for your time in advance!
I think you don't need setTimeout
for this. Instead, you can do something like this:
Following is an example:
useEffect(() => {
const res = [];
async function updateUI() {
await Promise.all([
.then(results => {
const ethers_owner = res[0];
const ethers_matchCountMessage = res[1];
// you may set loader to false here
setContractOwner(() => {
return {contractOwner: ethers_owner.toLowerCase()}})
setMatchCount(() => {
return {matchCount: ethers_matchCountMessage,}})
await updateUI();
// If you don't want to setLoading(false) inside updateUI method, you may set loader to false here
}, [])