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raising events in C# and outputting?

ive been working on a program. i has 3 classes. 2 of the classes have timers that repeat at different intervals and once one "cycle" of the timer is done it raises an event with a string as return. the 3rd class subscribes to the events from the other two timer classes and prints them to screen. it works great!

but my issue is that it prints them separately. say currently the first timer class runs and then raises "hello" every 2 minutes and the other class "dog" every second. then every time an event is raised it prints the raised event to console. i would want it to instead print "hellodog" every second.

i was thinking: so each time a timer fires it will raise an event and update a string in the "output" class with the current value, then make another timer that goes off every second, this timer will read both the updated strings together as one output like "hellodog". is this possible if it is this is the easiest way i think. how would i achieve this idea?

if it is confusing i will clarify.

namespace Final
    public class Output
        public static void Main()
            var timer1 = new FormWithTimer();
            var timer2 = new FormWithTimer2();

            timer1.NewStringAvailable += new EventHandler<BaseClassThatCanRaiseEvent.StringEventArgs>(timer1_NewStringAvailable);

            timer2.NewStringAvailable += new EventHandler<BaseClassThatCanRaiseEvent.StringEventArgs>(timer2_NewStringAvailable);

        static void timer1_NewStringAvailable(object sender, BaseClassThatCanRaiseEvent.StringEventArgs e)
            var theString = e.Value;

            //To something with 'theString' that came from timer 1

        static void timer2_NewStringAvailable(object sender, BaseClassThatCanRaiseEvent.StringEventArgs e)
            var theString2 = e.Value;

            //To something with 'theString2' that came from timer 2

    public abstract class BaseClassThatCanRaiseEvent
        public class StringEventArgs : EventArgs
            public StringEventArgs(string value)
                Value = value;

            public string Value { get; private set; }

        //The event itself that people can subscribe to
        public event EventHandler<StringEventArgs> NewStringAvailable;

        protected void RaiseEvent(string value)
            var e = NewStringAvailable;
            if (e != null)
                e(this, new StringEventArgs(value));

    public partial class FormWithTimer : BaseClassThatCanRaiseEvent
        Timer timer = new Timer();

        public FormWithTimer()
            timer = new System.Timers.Timer(200000);

            timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Tick); // Everytime timer ticks, timer_Tick will be called
            timer.Interval = (200000);             // Timer will tick evert 10 seconds
            timer.Enabled = true;                       // Enable the timer
            timer.Start();                              // Start the timer

        void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

    public partial class FormWithTimer2 : BaseClassThatCanRaiseEvent
        Timer timer = new Timer();

        public FormWithTimer2()
            timer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);

            timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Tick2); // Everytime timer ticks, timer_Tick will be called
            timer.Interval = (1000);             // Timer will tick evert 10 seconds
            timer.Enabled = true;                       // Enable the timer
            timer.Start();                              // Start the timer

        void timer_Tick2(object sender, EventArgs e)


  • You can use the same event handler for both timers. And construct the output by identifying the senders. (Didn't test the code for syntax errors.)

    private static string timer1Value = string.Empty;
    private static string timer2Value = string.Empty;
    private static FormWithTimer timer1;
    private static FormWithTimer2 timer2;
    public static void Main()
        timer1 = new FormWithTimer();
        timer2 = new FormWithTimer2();
        timer1.NewStringAvailable += new EventHandler<BaseClassThatCanRaiseEvent.StringEventArgs>(timer1_NewStringAvailable);
        timer2.NewStringAvailable += new EventHandler<BaseClassThatCanRaiseEvent.StringEventArgs>(timer1_NewStringAvailable);
    static void timer1_NewStringAvailable(object sender, BaseClassThatCanRaiseEvent.StringEventArgs e)
        if (sender == timer1)
            timer1Value = e.Value.ToString();
        else if (sender == timer2)
            timer2Value = e.Value.ToString();
        if (timer1Value != String.Empty && timer2Value != String.Empty)
            Console.WriteLine(timer1Value + timer2Value); 
            // Do the string concatenation as you want.