I have a simple problem. Let's assume I have the following
Now I want to add a specific vector or list for example (1,2,2,1) as an additional column and it should look like
When I add "Custom Column", how do I have to enter this list that it creates exactly this column? It should not be a index column or a calculated column because I want to specify the values depending on another column manually. It seems like it is a very simple task, but I couldn't find any solutions yet! (I feel very stupid xD)
pls help
Thank you!
let Source = #table({"Column1"},{{"A"},{"B"},{"C"},{"D"}}),
Add = {{1,2,2,1}},
part1=Table.ToColumns(Source) & Add,
part2= Table.FromColumns(part1,Table.ColumnNames(Source)&{"Column2"})
in part2
or perhaps, if grabbing column from another table
let Source = #table({"Column1"},{{"A"},{"B"},{"C"},{"D"}}),
part1=Table.ToColumns(Source) & Table.ToColumns(Table.SelectColumns(SomeOtherTable,"Column9")),
part2 = Table.FromColumns(part1,Table.ColumnNames(Source)&{"Column2"})
in part2