I have a procedure that looks for the last active session for a specific user. The procedure will return a single result or nothing. When I execute the following cypher query, it only returns a result when both the user and the session are present.
MATCH (user:User)
CALL org.custom.last_active_session(user) YIELD session
RETURN user, session
How can I return the user node, even if the last_active_session procedure yields no result?
It is tricky. You can add a null (dummy) session by using UNION then return it with user. Then remove duplicates by doing a collect. Lastly, get the session which is the only item in the list.
MATCH (user: User)
//call your user defined function and combine (union) it with a dummy session
CALL { WITH user
CALL org.custom.last_active_session(user)
YIELD session
RETURN session
RETURN null as session}
//remove duplicates caused by dummy (null) session using collect
WITH user, collect(session)[0] as session
//collect returns a list and session is always a single result so it is indexed 0
RETURN user, session
Sample output:
user | session |
{id:1} session1
{id:2} null
IMO, you should handle it in your procedure.