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enable clickling on parent tag with routerlink as child vue 3

I have a RouterLink used inside a li tag and which basically makes a simple dropdown menu, When options are present on the dropdown menu I can click on the text to go to the next page but not click anywhere else inside the box, instead I want to be able to click on the whole "bar" which is the li tag to be able to go to the page

  <li v-for="product in products">
     <RouterLink :to="/product"> {{product}} </RouterLink>

this creates a dropdown like this:

|product name |

|product 2 name |

Now clicking on only text works but I want to be able to click inside the box as well. How do you solve that. Another question is how do I close the dropdown when it is clicked anywhere else.


  • The intuitive solution is to add click event handler to the li tag and use $router.push('/product') :

      <li v-for="product in products" @click="$router.push('/product')">