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How to batch rename folders by the name of the first file in it with a specific extension

i have a couple of thousand folders with a not human readable name (random number). I would like to batch rename the folder name after the first file-name with a .3ds extension which is in every folder.

How can i do that? Iam on a Windows System. So batch or powershell?


  • Give this a try. I've added the -WhatIf switch to the rename-item command so you can test the code. Remove it when you are ready to actually rename folders.

    # Get folders to be renamed
    $Folders = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Path\To\Main\Folder" -Directory
    # Loop over each folder
    foreach ($Folder in $Folders) {
       # Get the .3ds file inside
       $File = Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder.Fullname -Filter "*.3ds" | Sort-Object -Property Name | Select-Object -First 1
       # Rename the folder (-WhatIf added so you can test. Remove it when you're ready to rename)
       Rename-Item -Path $Folder.Fullname -NewName $File.Basename -WhatIf