So I want to show multiple data in a single cell of an ant design table. Seems it allows only to insertion of a single data element. Is that possible to combine multiple data into a single cell?
here is what the data object looks like:
data {
These are the table columns
const columns = [
title: 'Transaction No',
dataIndex: 'transactionNo',
key: 'transactionNo',
align: 'left',
title: 'Transaction Date',
dataIndex: 'createdTstamp',
defaultSortOrder: DESC,
sortable: true,
key: 'createdTstamp',
title: 'Description',
dataIndex: 'transactionType',
key: 'transactionType',
align: 'left',
textWrap: 'wrap',
defaultHidden: false,
render: ( record) => (
I want to show both transactionType and sourceNo in a single cell. Already tried using record but no luck. And I'm using react with typescript.
You can use Render Method in the antd Columns. You have found almost, just need to reference the record correctly..
title: 'Description',
dataIndex: 'transactionType',
key: 'transactionType',
align: 'left',
textWrap: 'wrap',
defaultHidden: false,
// in Render first param returns current field, second params return entire data
render: (text, record) => (
<>{record.transactionType} {record.sourceNo}</>