I try to call the method synchronizeFull of the class DefaultCatalogSynchronizationService from my code which should sync from a source catalog to target catalog.
When I use the backoffice everything works fine, but when I use my code everything goes wrong.
The cron job called by this class fails each time and I get the following error:
ERROR [hybrisHTTP2] (0000009D) [Job] Caught throwable Entity not found ( pk =
8796096201204 name = 'de.hybris.platform.persistence.processing_Job' type code =
'500' db table = 'jobs'): object no longer valid
de.hybris.platform.jalo.JaloSystemException: Entity not found ( pk = 8796096201204
name = 'de.hybris.platform.persistence.processing_Job' type code = '500' db table =
'jobs'): object no longer valid[HY--1]
at de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.synchronization.CatalogVersionSyncJob.configureFullVersionSync(CatalogVersionSyncJob.java:502)
at de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.synchronization.CatalogVersionSyncJob.performCronJob(CatalogVersionSyncJob.java:840)
at de.hybris.platform.cronjob.jalo.Job.execute(Job.java:1396)
at de.hybris.platform.cronjob.jalo.Job.performImpl(Job.java:805)
at de.hybris.platform.cronjob.jalo.Job.performImpl(Job.java:720)
at de.hybris.platform.cronjob.jalo.Job.perform(Job.java:632)
at de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.cronjob.impl.DefaultCronJobService.performCronJob(DefaultCronJobService.java:81)
at de.hybris.platform.catalog.synchronization.DefaultCatalogSynchronizationService.synchronizeFully(DefaultCatalogSynchronizationService.java:74)
any idea?
Here is the code which I call in one of my classes (the CatalogSynchronizationService is a standard class of hybris)
this.catalogSynchronizationService.synchronizeFully(source, target);
The sync seems to work fine when I remove the value of a field called Exploded drawing
(which contains a picture of the product) from the product.
I solved the problem, so I'll post the answer in case someone in the future will need it:
final CatalogVersionSyncJobModel syncJobModel = (CatalogVersionSyncJobModel) catalogSynchronizationService .getSyncJob(source, target, code);
catalogSynchronizationService.performSynchronization(Collections.singletonList(product), syncJobModel, getSyncConfig());