I followed this codrops tutorial on how to make a scrollable site using react-three-fiber.
I changed it up quite a bit and centered all the items as well as removed the RGB split effect. Now I would like to rotate the entire scrollarea/canvas in order to achieve a diagonal scroll effect similar to this page. Is it possible to just rotate the scrollArea as a whole or do I have to rotate every component individually using mesh.rotate.z =... and so on?
Code that brings everything together:
function App() {
const scrollArea = useRef()
const onScroll = e => (state.top.current = e.target.scrollTop)
useEffect(() => void onScroll({ target: scrollArea.current }), [])
return (
<Canvas className="canvas" concurrent pixelRatio={1} orthographic camera={{ zoom:
state.zoom, position: [0, 0, 500] }}>
<Suspense fallback={<Dom center className="loading" children="Loading..." />}>
<Content />
<Startup />
<div className="scrollArea" ref={scrollArea} onScroll={onScroll}>
{new Array(state.sections).fill().map((_, index) => (
<div key={index} id={"0" + index} style={{ height: `${(state.pages /
state.sections) * 47}vh` }} />//site length
<div className="frame">
<div className="frame__links">
<a className="frame__link" href="http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/PhysicsMenu/">
<a className="frame__link" href="https://tympanus.net/codrops/?p=45441">
I solved it by putting my content inside a group
which I then rotated like such:
<group rotation-z={0.025} rotation-y={0.0} rotation-x={0.05}>