Using Selection.each(fn)
(see the k6 docs), the callback is passed an index and an Element. Element has a different API than Selection, and within the callback I’d like to use the Selection API on the passed Element so that I can operate on each Selection individually.
In jQuery, I’d often do this:
$('li').each(function (index, element) {
let container = $(element).closest('div.listContainer');
// now do something with the `container`
I’ve tried inside the callback to do things like $(element)
or Selection(element)
but it errors saying those are undefined. (Kind of stabbing in the dark, since I don’t see in the docs how to do this.)
My code looks like:
mySelection.each((index, element) => {
// here, I'd like to do element.closest('.someAncestorSelector') if element could be 'wrapped'
Is there a way in the jQuery-like Selection API in k6 to do this?
From the k6 docs on Selection.closest
For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector by testing the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree. [emphasis mine]
Which means that each
is unnecessary and will be performed automatically (returning a new Selection
instance with the closest elements).
const closestSelection = mySelection.closest('.someAncestorSelector');
closestSelection.each((index, closestElement) => {
// now, do something with closestElement.
or as a single chain of expressions:
.each((index, closestElement) => {
// now, do something with closestElement.
Btw, even jQuery implicitly handles collections, so your jQuery code could be changed to:
const containers = $('li').closest('div.listContainer');
containers.each(function (index, container) {
container = $(container);
// now do something with the `container`