I'm trying to parse out an Azure DevOps API to get work item detail as documented here in the Azure DevOps API Docs.
I can successfully call it but I'm struggling to access fields in the second nested struct. It returns the following, as a brief example:
My code:
<cfset result="#DeserializeJSON(cfhttp.filecontent)#">
#result.id#, #result.rev#,
<!---<cfdump var="#result.fields#">--->
<cfloop collection="#result.fields#" item="f">
<cfif not isStruct( result.fields[f] )>
<cfif not isArray( result.fields[f])>
#encodeForHTML(f)#, #encodeForHTML(result.fields[f])# <br/>
The part that I'm getting hung up on is how to reference System.AreaPath directly, for example. I've tried to reference it like:
but I get errors. Is it possible to reference this nested struct by name directly, as well as the other children within it like System.TeamProject?
Thank you in advance.
I think @mykaf is right. If you're looping over the struct #result.fields# with 'f' as your item, then f will be the struct members as the loop iterates. For example, System.AreaPath, System.TeamProject, etc....
So, if you're trying to display the value in "System.AreaPath" inside the loop, it would be:
Where your original question led us to think you wanted to "reference System.AreaPath directly". If that were the case, referencing it outside the loop, it would be: