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DestinationAccessException while trying to access destination details using SAP Cloud SDK for JAVA

I am trying to retrieve the details of a destination using the APIs provided by SAP Cloud SDK for JAVA. I have added the following annotations to our Spring Boot application:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"", "path to my package"}, excludeFilters = {@ComponentScan.Filter(type = CUSTOM, classes = TypeExcludeFilter.class)})
@ServletComponentScan({"", "path to my package"})
public class ActionApplication {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {, args);

The SpringBoot application internally uses a JAVA library developed by us. The code for fetching the destination details is present in this library:

    public static Destination getDestination() {
      Tenant consumerTenant = TenantAccessor.getCurrentTenant();
      return TenantAccessor.executeWithTenant(consumerTenant,
            () -> DestinationAccessor.getDestination(destinationName));

I am able to get the destination details EVERY TIME I run my application locally. However, when I run my application on cloud, after a few successful attempts, I get the following error:

" Failed to get destination with name 'name_of_the_destination'."

To resolve the issue, I have to re-deploy my Spring Boot application. Is anything wrong with the implementation? What I understand from the logs is, the threadcontext is not set correctly.


  • DefaultHttpDestination should be used when building a destination instead of the MockUtil test class. The built destination should also be registered in a DefaultDestinationLoader, and this DefaultDestinationLoader should be prepended in the DestinationAccessor.