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s4sdk openSAP develop extension Course - Address not created - no put operation in mock server log

I have created mock server and it shows GET operation selecting all partners and will get a partner by id.

If I click on the Add address button there is no put or post operation in the log file.

Mock server log:

Request: GET /sap/opu/odata/sap/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER/A_BusinessPartner(BusinessPartner='1003764')?$select=BusinessPartner,CreationDate,FirstName,IsFemale,IsMale,LastName,to_BusinessPartnerAddress/AddressID,to_BusinessPartnerAddress/BusinessPartner,to_BusinessPartnerAddress/CityName,to_BusinessPartnerAddress/Country,to_BusinessPartnerAddress/HouseNumber,to_BusinessPartnerAddress/PostalCode,to_BusinessPartnerAddress/StreetName&$expand=to_BusinessPartnerAddress&$format=json Reading business partner 1003764

Log from application

12:51:35.357 [http-bio-8080-exec-10] ERROR - Successfully connected to destination service.

Am I missing a setting?


  • You can implement an add functionality for a Business Partner Address in the following way:

     BusinessPartnerAddress addressToCreate = BusinessPartnerAddress.builder()
     new DefaultBusinessPartnerService()