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method in class String cannot be applied to given types when replacing lambda with method reference in JDK 11

I'm facing an odd issue

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Nested;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;

 * Created by mklueh on 13/09/2022
public class Reproducer {

    private static final String COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING = "2020-05-09,hello ,10     ,11.345 ,true    ,1000000000000";

     * Not working
    public class WithReturn {

        public String withReturn(Stream<String> stream, String delimiter, Function<? super String, String[]> tokenizer) {
            return -> {
                             return != null ? tokenizer.apply(s) : s.split(delimiter))
                                          .map(String::strip) //Comment out to make it compile

        void usingDelimiter() {
            assertEquals(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING.replaceAll(" ", ""),
                    withReturn(Stream.of(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING), ",", null));

        void usingTokenizer() {
            assertEquals(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING.replaceAll(" ", ""),
                    withReturn(Stream.of(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING), null, s -> s.split(",")));

     * Working
    public class WithReturnAndStripLambda {

        public String withReturnAndStripLambda(Stream<String> stream, String delimiter, Function<? super String, String[]> tokenizer) {
            return -> {
                             return != null ? tokenizer.apply(s) : s.split(delimiter))
                                          .map(s1 -> s1.strip())

        void usingDelimiter() {
            assertEquals(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING.replaceAll(" ", ""),
                    withReturnAndStripLambda(Stream.of(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING), ",", null));

        void usingTokenizer() {
            assertEquals(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING.replaceAll(" ", ""),
                    withReturnAndStripLambda(Stream.of(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING), null, s -> s.split(",")));

     * Working
    public class WithMethodExpression {

        public String withMethodExpression(Stream<String> stream, String delimiter, Function<? super String, String[]> tokenizer) {
            return -> != null ? tokenizer.apply(s) : s.split(delimiter))


    void usingDelimiter() {
        assertEquals(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING.replaceAll(" ", ""),
                withMethodExpression(Stream.of(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING), ",", null));

    void usingTokenizer() {
        assertEquals(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING.replaceAll(" ", ""),
                withMethodExpression(Stream.of(COMMA_SEPARATED_STRING), null, s -> s.split(",")));



invalid method reference

error: incompatible types: invalid method reference
    method strip in class String cannot be applied to given types
      required: no arguments
      found: long
      reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length

And the IntelliJ IDEA even recommends to perform the auto-refactoring to get rid of the lambda function in favor of the method reference

enter image description here

as well as replacing the return with expression lambda

enter image description here

What is wrong here and why does IntelliJ recommend to break code / not recognize that the recommendation is causing compiler errors?


  • This seems very likely to be a bug in javac. What IntelliJ is suggesting should be a safe and functionally equivalent replacement.

    Looks to be accounted for by JDK-8268312, which is marked as fixed in Java 20.

    In case it's not, here's some other interesting behaviour I found when fiddling with your specific example:

    In addition to failing for method references, it also fails when you explicitly specify the type in the lambda's parameter list as String, i.e. String::strip becomes (String sa) -> sa.trim()

    Here's a more minimal example than yours. Note that I intentionally made both paths of the ternary within do the exact same thing. I also used trim so this can be run on Java 8, as well as later JDKs.

    Stream.of("A").flatMap(s -> {
        return ? s.split(",") : s.split(","))
            .map((String sa) -> sa.trim());

    For some reason, it compiles fine if the flatMap argument is an expression lambda, rather than a statement lambda, which should not make a difference to the type system.

    Stream.of("A").flatMap(s -> ? s.split(",") : s.split(","))
            .map((String sa) -> sa.trim())

    It also works if you cast the result of the ternary to String[], even though that's already the type of that expression, meaning the cast should be redundant.

    Stream.of("A").flatMap(s -> {
            return[]) (true ? s.split(",") : s.split(",")))
                .map((String sa) -> sa.trim());