I'm trying to create a yasnippet for a MOVE statement i COBOL. Writing MOVE statements is something we do ALOT of and I want to be as fast and efficient as possible with it.
Usual it is something like this:
MOVE variable-1 TO variable-2
but sometimes you use functions as well:
MOVE FUNCTION LENGTH(variable-1) TO variable-2
So what I'm after is a snippet which skips field-2 if field-1 = "FUNCTION".
What I have right now is:
MOVE $1 ${2:$$(unless (or yas-modified-p yas-moving-away-p (equal (upcase (yas-field-value 1)) "FUNCTION")) (yas-skip-and-clear-field))} TO $0
This works great for the "MOVE FUNCTION ..." case but otherwise it don´t. Here when I hit after entered varaible-1 in field-1 i get (cursor is |):
MOVE variable-1 #<marker at 2998 in text.cbl>| TO
So it seems that the return value from yas-skip-and-clear-field
get printed instead of doing the jump to $0.
How could I solve this? Or are there any better way of doing this?
I wrote similar snippet for systemverilog 'logic', whose syntax is:
logic MySignal;
logic [31:0] mybus;
So ideally, if 'logic' followed by is typed, the snippet would expand the first field unconditionally. If that field contains [number:number], it expands the other field with name. If [] is not found, the field is considered to be a signal name.
It is not perfect, but here is what I have came with:
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: logic
# key: logic
# --
logic ${1:range_or_signal}${2: $(if (string-match "\\[[0-9\s]+:[0-9\s]+\\]" (yas-field-value 1)) (concat " " (string-trim yas-text)) (yas-auto-next ""))};
Basically the first field is always entered, and the other one is skipped if first one is not vector definition. The skipping is performed by yas-auto-next