I have four dataframes that look like below:
X score.i score.ii score.iii mm
1: 1 -0.3958555 -0.3750726 -0.3378881 10
2: 2 -0.3954955 -0.3799290 -0.3400876 15
3: 3 -0.3962514 -0.3776692 -0.3401180 20
4: 4 -0.4033265 -0.3764099 -0.3436115 25
5: 5 -0.4035860 -0.3753792 -0.3426287 30
186: 186 -0.4041035 -0.3767158 -0.3419871 80
187: 187 -0.4040643 -0.3767881 -0.3417620 85
188: 188 -0.4052228 -0.3766468 -0.3436883 90
189: 189 -0.4047009 -0.3767359 -0.3431591 95
190: 190 -0.4061497 -0.3766785 -0.3433624 100
How can I plot a circular line graph with aes(x=mm, y=score.i) for these four such that there is a gap between the lines for each dataframe?
df1 %>%
pivot_longer(-c(X, mm), names_to = "Variable", values_to = "Score") %>%
ggplot(., aes(x = mm, y = Score, color = Variable)) +
geom_line() +
read.table(text =
"X score.i score.ii score.iii mm
1 -0.3958555 -0.3750726 -0.3378881 10
2 -0.3954955 -0.3799290 -0.3400876 15
3 -0.3962514 -0.3776692 -0.3401180 20
4 -0.4033265 -0.3764099 -0.3436115 25
5 -0.4035860 -0.3753792 -0.3426287 30
186 -0.4041035 -0.3767158 -0.3419871 80
187 -0.4040643 -0.3767881 -0.3417620 85
188 -0.4052228 -0.3766468 -0.3436883 90
189 -0.4047009 -0.3767359 -0.3431591 95
190 -0.4061497 -0.3766785 -0.3433624 100",
header = T, stringsAsFactors = F) -> df1