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addAll for Set throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

Use JDK 11.0.3. I have the following code snippet:

Set<String> allNumbersSet = customerInfoService.getCustomerPhoneNumbers(bankCustomerId);
        .map(info -> info.get(BANK_PE_CUSTOMER_ID_KEY))
        .ifPresent(id -> allNumbersSet.addAll(customerInfoService.getCustomerPhoneNumbers(id))); // fails here

Where get phone numbers is just Collectors.toSet():

public Set<String> getCustomerPhoneNumbers(String customerId) {
    return backOfficeInfoClient.getCustByHashNo(customerId).getPropertyLOVs()
            .flatMap(property -> property.getValues().values().stream())

However, it fails with:

    at java.base/java.util.ImmutableCollections.uoe(
    at java.base/java.util.ImmutableCollections$AbstractImmutableCollection.addAll(
    at service.impl.UserManagementServiceImpl.lambda$validateNewLogin$3(

If I update like the following:

var allNumbersSet = new HashSet<>(customerInfoService.getCustomerPhoneNumbers(bankCustomerId));

It works fine now.

What is wrong with the above code usage? Could you explain why this exactly appears?

This method call is surrounded by calling Hazelcast cache - before and after. As mentioned at comments it could be a reason for such behaviour:

The cached values are represented using immutable collections, which makes sense, as that allows sharing without the need for defensive copies


Found the way how to rewrite this logic and do that stuff without merging two sets:

var numbersSet = customerInfoService.getCustomerPhoneNumbers(id);
if (!numbersSet.contains(newLogin)) {
    var peNumbersSet = additionalInformation
            .map(info -> info.get(BANK_PE_CUSTOMER_ID_KEY))

    if (!peNumbersSet.contains(newLogin)) {
        throw new ProcessException(ServerError.WRONG_LOGIN_PROVIDED.errorDTO());

Rethink this logic a little bit:

var additionalInformation = Optional.ofNullable(user.getAdditionalInformation());
var phoneNumbers = new HashSet<String>();
        .map(i -> i.get(BANK_CUSTOMER_ID_KEY))

        .map(i -> i.get(BANK_PE_CUSTOMER_ID_KEY))

if (!phoneNumbers.contains(newLogin)) {
    throw new MetryusProcessException(AuthServerError.WRONG_LOGIN_PROVIDED.errorDTO());

However, understanding how exactly Collectors.toSet() could work under different conditions is really very useful.


  • According to the Javadoc of Collectors.toSet():

    There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the Set returned.

    So, if you need a mutable set, you should create one yourself, to be sure that it is mutable.

    You can either do that with the copy constructor that you have (new HashSet<>(...) - don't forget the <>), or you could use:


    as the collector, as described in the linked Javadoc.

    However, note that a more Stream-y way of doing this would be to concat two streams:

    Set<String> someNumbersSet = customerInfoService.getCustomerPhoneNumbers(bankCustomerId);
    Set<String> allNumbersSet =
                    .map(info -> info.get(BANK_PE_CUSTOMER_ID_KEY))