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Saving document to specific google drive folders depending on variable name

How should I approach the problem of saving a file to a specific folder depending on the result of a variable?

For example,

Say I have 3 clients Bob, Billy and Ben. And on google drive, I have corresponding folders for each client, so "BobFolder", "BillyFolder" and "BenFolder".

If the name happens to be "Bob" during a loop, then I would like to save my file to "BobFolder". Since I am using DriveApp.getFolderById(), I am thinking the only approach is to use switch statements (or similar logic) using the folder IDs. Or is there another way to do this?

Appreciate any help I can get!

Here is roughly how I would grab the client name from my google sheet:

// get data range
  const rows = invSh.getDataRange().getValues();

  var toIndex = getColumnId(invSh, "To") - 1;

rows.forEach(function (row, index) {
  // skip header row logic

// skip rows that already have document created and linked logic

    // make copy document of template and get body (this is also where i would add logic to figure out the destination folder depending on the client)
    const copy = googleDocTemplate.makeCopy(`INVOICE_${row[invNumIndex]}`, destinationFolder);
    const doc = DocumentApp.openById(copy.getId());
    const body = doc.getBody();

// add client name to doc
body.replaceText('{{to}}', row[toIndex]);

So during the loop, each row will call row[toIndex] which would could for example be:

row[0] -> 'Bob'

row[1] -> 'Billy'



  • Do you mean something like this?

    var IDs = {
        'Bob':  'ID-1',
        'Bill': 'ID-2',
        'Ben':  'ID-3',
    var folder_id = IDs['Bill'];
    console.log(folder_id); // output: ID-2
    var the_name = 'Bob';
    folder_id = IDs[the_name];
    console.log(folder_id); // output: ID-1

    And you can use:

    var dest_folder = DriveApp.getFoldersByName('BobFolder').next();

    But make sure that you have just one folder with name 'BobFolder' on your Drive. Otherwise the result could be random. This is why to use ID is a better idea.