I get This Alert from google console for My app that made in Unity 2019.4.5f1 what should I do To Fix This ?
( Your app ***** version code ** includes SDK com.my.tracker:mytracker-sdk or an SDK that one of your libraries depends on, which collects personal or sensitive data that includes but may not be limited to Advertising ID, Android ID, Device Wifi MAC identifiers. Persistent device identifiers may not be linked to other personal and sensitive user data or resettable device identifiers as described in the User Data policy.
Starting from November 6, 2022 midnight (UTC), new app releases containing the SDK version(s) that do not comply with the User Data policy may be blocked from release. You may consider upgrading to a policy-compliant version of this SDK that does not include the violating code if available from your SDK provider, or removing this SDK from your app.
ACTION REQUIRED: Upload a new compliant version AND deactivate the noncompliant version.
Read through the User Data policy for more details, and how to submit an updated app for review here.
If you've reviewed the policy and feel our decision may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. ) Thanks.
are you using MyTarget SDK or any mediation that implement MyTarget SDK? MyTarget SDK depend on MyTracker SDK that causes the issue. Your app has to update MyTracker SDK to v3.0.9 or higher.
Relevant GitHub issue page: https://github.com/myTargetSDK/mytarget-android/issues/18