I finally completed my code and when I submit it I received a couple errors. It keeps telling me
73:15 Incorrect spacing around >=.
73:31 Incorrect spacing around <=.
for this line, I've tried putting it together and no change
if (quantity >=5 && quantity <=9)
I have checked my entire code multiples times (my program shows dots where spaces are) and I cannot find any extra or unplanned spaces.
The error message The right operand of '*' is a garbage value
is emitted in regards to this line:
totalSavings = pricePerDisc * quantity * discount;
Can anyone help me out please?
int main()
//Declare Constant variables
const double DISC_GOLF_RETAIL = 14.96;
const double ULTIMATE_RETAIL = 20.96;
const double DISCOUNT1 = 8;
const double DISCOUNT2 = .16;
const double DISCOUNT3 = .24;
const double DISCOUNT4 = .32;
//Declare variables
int quantity;
double pricePerDisc;
double totalSavings;
double afterSavings;
double total;
char userInput;
double discount;
string discType;
string disc1 = "Ultimate Disc";
string disc2 = "Disc-Golf Disc";
//Display title
cout << "Welcome to the Flying-Disc Shop!" << "\n" << endl;
//Prompt the user for input
cout << "Enter 'u' for ultimate discs and 'g' for disc golf: ";
cin >> (userInput);
cout << endl;
switch (userInput)
case 'u':
case 'U':
discType = disc1;
cout << "Enter the number of Ultimate Disc(s): ";
cin >> (quantity);
cout << endl;
case 'g':
case 'G':
discType = disc2;
pricePerDisc = DISC_GOLF_RETAIL;
cout << "Enter the number of Disc-Golf Disc(s): ";
cin >> (quantity);
cout << endl;
cout << "Invalid disc type." << endl;
return 0;
if (quantity <= 0)
cout << quantity << " is an invalid number of discs.\n";
return 0;
if (quantity >=5 && quantity <=9)
discount = DISCOUNT1 / 100;
else if (quantity >=10 && quantity <=19)
discount = DISCOUNT2;
else if (quantity >=20 && quantity <=29)
discount = DISCOUNT3;
else if (quantity >=30)
discount = DISCOUNT4;
totalSavings = pricePerDisc * quantity * discount;
afterSavings = pricePerDisc - (pricePerDisc * discount);
total = quantity * pricePerDisc - totalSavings;
cout << "------------Receipt------------" << endl;
cout << " Disc Type: " << discType << endl;
cout << " Quantity: " << quantity << endl;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << "Price per Disc: " << "$ " << setw(12) << afterSavings << endl;
cout << " Total Savings: " << "$ " << setw(6) << "-" << totalSavings
<< endl;
cout << " Total: " << "$ " << setw(12) << total << endl;
return 0;
If you are asking why is there are The right operand of '*' is a garbage value
error, I think it is because program thinks that pricePerDisc
are not initialized.
It happens because you are using switch(case)
that is unrecommended in C++. Compiler/IDE not looking inside of switch(case)
(you have initialization of previous variables in it) and this is why he keeps thinking, that you don't initialize any of pricePerDisc
variables (when you are not initializing variables there are just garbage in it).
If you want to silence this warning/error - simply initialize some default numbers in your declaration. For example:
int quantity = 0;
double pricePerDisc = 0.0;
double totalSavings = 0.0;
double afterSavings;
double total;
char userInput;
double discount = 0.0;
Hope it helps!