I'm considering porting a very simple text-templating library to scala, mostly as an exercise in learning the language. The library is currently implemented in both Python and Javascript, and its basic operation more or less boils down to this (in python):
template = CompiledTemplate('Text {spam} blah {eggs[1]}')
data = { 'spam': 1, 'eggs': [ 'first', 'second', { 'key': 'value' }, true ] }
output = template.render(data)
None of this is terribly difficult to do in Scala, but the thing I'm unclear about is how to best express the static type of the data
Basically this parameter should be able to contain the sorts of things you'd find in JSON: a few primitives (strings, ints, booleans, null), or lists of zero or more items, or maps of zero or more items. (For the purposes of this question the maps can be constrained to having string keys, which seems to be how Scala likes things anyways.)
My initial thought was just to use a Map[string, Any]
as a top-level object, but that's doesn't seem entirely correct to me. In fact I don't want to add arbitrary objects of any sort of class in there; I want only the elements I outlined above. At the same time, I think in Java the closest I'd really be able to get would be Map<String, ?>
, and I know one of the Scala authors designed Java's generics.
One thing I'm particularly curious about is how other functional languages with similar type systems handle this sort of problem. I have a feeling that what I really want to do here is come up with a set of case classes that I can pattern-match on, but I'm not quite able to envision how that would look.
I have Programming in Scala, but to be honest my eyes started glazing over a bit at the covariance / contravariance stuff and I'm hoping somebody can explain this to me a bit more clearly and succinctly.
You're spot on that you want some sort of case classes to model your datatypes. In functional languages these sorts of things are called "Abstract Data Types", and you can read all about how Haskell uses them by Googling around a bit. Scala's equivalent of Haskell's ADTs uses sealed traits and case classes.
Let's look at a rewrite of the JSON parser combinator from the Scala standard library or the Programming in Scala book. Instead of using Map[String, Any] to represent JSON objects, and instead of using Any to represent arbitrary JSON values, it uses an abstract data type, JsValue
, to represnt JSON values. JsValue
has several subtypes, representing the possible kinds of JSON values: JsString
, JsNumber
, JsObject
, JsArray
, JsBoolean
, JsFalse
), and JsNull
Manipulating JSON data of this form involves pattern matching. Since the JsValue is sealed, the compiler will warn you if you haven't dealt with all the cases. For example, the code for toJson
, a method that takes a JsValue
and returns a String
representation of that values, looks like this:
def toJson(x: JsValue): String = x match {
case JsNull => "null"
case JsBoolean(b) => b.toString
case JsString(s) => "\"" + s + "\""
case JsNumber(n) => n.toString
case JsArray(xs) => xs.map(toJson).mkString("[",", ","]")
case JsObject(m) => m.map{case (key, value) => toJson(key) + " : " + toJson(value)}.mkString("{",", ","}")
Pattern matching both lets us make sure we're dealing with every case, and also "unwraps" the underlying value from its JsType. It provides a type-safe way of knowing that we've handled every case.
Furthermore, if you know at compile-time the structure of the JSON data you're dealing with, you can do something really cool like n8han's extractors. Very powerful stuff, check it out.