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Nextjs: Sidebar routing

I am trying to figure out how to use next.js routes to populate a sidebar component with route instructions so that when a sidebar option is clicked, the main div is populted with the relevant component.

I can find tutorials showing the CSS for side bar menu items, but I cannot find the next.js route instructions for this task.

So far, I have a Sidebar component with:

function Sidebar({}) {
// I also tried adding href inside the above {} but it didn't work
  // const { me, loading } = useMe()
  const { me, loading: meLoading } = useMe()

  if (meLoading)
    return (
        <Spinner />
  return (
    <Flex as="section" minH="100vh" bg="bg-canvas" maxW="100%" p="0">
        // px={{ base: '4', sm: '6' }}
        <Stack justify="space-between" spacing="1">
          <Stack spacing={{ base: '5', sm: '6' }} shouldWrapChildren>
              <InputLeftElement pointerEvents="none">
                <Icon as={FiSearch} color="muted" boxSize="5" />
              <Input placeholder="Search" />
            <Stack spacing="1" >
              <NavButton label="Home"  fontWeight="normal"/>
              <Link href={Library} passHref>
                // I have tried several other versions of this without the passHref, using href="/Library" and a range of other things - but I cant find anything that works - or makes sense as way to put the content in the Container that currently displays lorem ipsum as below

                <NavButton label="Library" aria-current="page" fontWeight="normal" />
              <NavButton label="Tasks"  fontWeight="normal"  />

Then I have another component called Dashbase which should be where the relevant component for the selected sidebar option is displayed (instead of the lorem ipsum).

 const DashBase = () => {
    const isDesktop = useBreakpointValue({ base: false, lg: true })
    const router = useRouter()
    return (
        direction={{ base: 'column', lg: 'row' }}
        // minW="120em"
        // margin="auto"
        {isDesktop ? <Sidebar /> : <Navbar />}
        <Container py="8" flex="none">
          <Text> lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

  export default DashBase;
          <Stack spacing={{ base: '5', sm: '6' }}>
            <Stack spacing="1">
              <NavButton label="Help"  fontWeight="normal"/>
              <NavButton label="Settings"  fontWeight="normal"/>
              name={me.firstName + " " +  me.lastName}
              // image="h"


  • There are at least two approaches I can think of: wrap both components inside a Context.Provider, and forward props, as you've mentioned.

    Let's see how we could implement the latter so that the text inside DashBase is shown/hidden when <NavButton label="Library" /> is clicked. I've omitted bits of code to ease reading and thus understanding.

    Our first step is to create a boolean state inside our main component so that we can control when our child element should be hidden or visible.


    export const DashBase = () => {
      const isDesktop = useBreakpointValue({ base: false, lg: true })
      // assuming that the component should initially be hidden
      const [showLibrary, setShowLibrary] = React.useState(false)
      // state setter to switch between our `true` and `false` states
      const toggleLibrary = () => setShowLibrary(!showLibrary)
      return (
          {/* forward the state setter to the `Sidebar` component */}
          {isDesktop ? <Sidebar toggleLibrary={toggleLibrary} /> : <Navbar />}
            {/* and render the text conditionally */}
            {showLibrary && (
                lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing

    We can then pass down our state setter helper toggleLibrary to our Sidebar component.


    export const Sidebar = ({ toggleLibrary }) => {
      const { me, loading: meLoading } = useMe()
      if (meLoading)
        return (
            <Spinner />
      return (
          <Input placeholder="Search" />
            <NavButton label="Home" />
            <NavButton label="Library" onClick={toggleLibrary} />
            <NavButton label="Tasks" />
            <NavButton label="Help" />
            <NavButton label="Settings" />
          <UserProfile name={me.firstName + ' ' + me.lastName} bio={} />

    We should now be able to hide/show the <Text>...</Text> component inside our DashBase by clicking on <NavButton label="Library" />.

    If we'd like to show/hide the component based on the browser's current location, we could move our state to the Sidebar component and update it dynamically with useEffect:

    const router = useRouter()
    React.useEffect(() => {
      if (router.pathname.includes('library')) {
      return () => {}
    }, [router.pathname])

    Would that solve your issue? Let me know how it goes.



    A simplistic approach to dynamically create buttons that route to other pages based on some metadata would be:

    const paths = ['about', 'home', 'login']
    const Example = () => {
      const router = useRouter()
      return => <button onClick={router.push(`/{p}`)}>{p}</button>

    The above Example component would create three buttons, each pointing to a different path.