Using postgresql, I have a table product
and the array field of the resticted_delivery_regions
ALTER TABLE "product"
ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS "restricted_delivery_regions" CHARACTER VARYING(7)[];
COMMENT ON COLUMN "product"."restricted_delivery_regions"
IS 'Prohibited regions for delivery, for example: {''US-NY'', ''US-NJ''}';
Using jOOQ on the code side, I'm trying to implement some specific condition like this (not compilant):
if (criteria.getRestrictedRegionsCount() > 0) {
condition = condition.and(PRODUCT.RESTRICTED_DELIVERY_REGIONS.notContainsAnyOf(criteria.getRestrictedRegionsList()));
-- is autogenerated TableField<ProductRecord, String[]>
, telling us the product's delivery resticted regionscriteria.getRestrictedRegionsList()
-- input of prohibited for delivery regions, by which products should be filteredQuestions are:
is not an option here, because it looks for a match over the entire input array, not individual values
In PostgreSQL, that's just the &&
operator. jOOQ doesn't support it natively, but as always, you can easily add support yourself using plain SQL templating:
condition.and("not ({0} && {1})",
// Pass the bind value using the DataType of the generated column,
// for convenience
val(criteria.getRestrictedRegionsList(), PRODUCT.RESTRICTED_DELIVERY_REGIONS)
This is assuming your list is already an array. If it isn't you'll have to convert it to an array, first.
As everything you do with jOOQ is effectively dynamic SQL, you can create a small library for such vendor-specific functions, e.g.
public static <T> Condition containsAny(
Field<T[]> left,
T... right
) {
return containsAny(left, val(right, left));
public static <T> Condition containsAny(
Field<T[]> left,
Field<T[]> right
) {
return DSL.condition("({0} && {1})", left, right);