It is giving me FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'filepath' error. While I have defined the function "filepath" and called it in proper location. When I run the code the button appears and after that, when I assign it the file in which the script should operate, it shows me the above error.
#from typing_extensions import Counter
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog
import csv
def openFile():
filepath = filedialog.askopenfilename()
acronyms = 0 # number of acronyms
acronym_word = [] # creating a list to store acronyms found in the file
with open('filepath', "r", errors='ignore') as file:
text = str(
for word in text.split(' '): # for every word in line
if word.isupper() and word.isalpha(): # if word is all uppercase letters
acronyms += 1
if len(word) == 1: # ignoring the word found in the file of single character as they are not acronyms
index = len(acronym_word)
acronym_word.insert(index, word) # storing all the acronyms founded in the file to a list
uniqWords = sorted(set(acronym_word)) # remove duplicate words and sort the list of acronyms
for word in uniqWords:
print(word, ":",
acronym_word.count(word)) # printing the all the acronyms along with no of times they appear in the file
with open('LOG.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile: # creating the csv file
fieldnames = ['Name_of_acronyms', 'Number_of_times_they_occured']
thewriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for word in uniqWords:
thewriter.writerow({'Name_of_acronyms': word,
'Number_of_times_they_occured': acronym_word.count(word)}) # Extrating the CSV file
full_acronym = [] # creating a list of acronym for which we will search its full form occurence in the document
for word in uniqWords:
words = str(
"(" + word + ")") # adding brackets to each acronym since full form is present at only condition of giving the acronym at the end of full form within a bracket
index = len(full_acronym)
full_acronym.insert(index, words) # inserting the acronyms with bracket to full_acronym list
# searching the occurence of each acronym for the first time in the document
for word in full_acronym:
with open("filepath", "r") as file:
for line_number, line in enumerate(file, start=1):
if word in line:
f"The First occurance and Full form of the acronym '{word[1:-1]}' is found on line {line_number} of the document.")
# seaching the words for which full form is not in the document
for word in full_acronym:
with open('filepath') as f:
if word in
print("The full form of acroname " + word[1:-1] + " is not found on the document.")
window = Tk()
button = Button(text="Open", command=openFile)
On this line with open('filepath', "r", errors='ignore') as file:
you write the variable name as a string this why you got an error.
Try this
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog
import csv
def openFile():
filepath = filedialog.askopenfilename()
acronyms = 0 # number of acronyms
acronym_word = [] # creating a list to store acronyms found in the file
with open(filepath, "r", errors='ignore') as file: @ edited
text = str(
for word in text.split(' '): # for every word in line
if word.isupper() and word.isalpha(): # if word is all uppercase letters
acronyms += 1
if len(word) == 1: # ignoring the word found in the file of single character as they are not acronyms
index = len(acronym_word)
acronym_word.insert(index, word) # storing all the acronyms founded in the file to a list
uniqWords = sorted(set(acronym_word)) # remove duplicate words and sort the list of acronyms
for word in uniqWords:
print(word, ":",
acronym_word.count(word)) # printing the all the acronyms along with no of times they appear in the file
with open('LOG.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile: # creating the csv file
fieldnames = ['Name_of_acronyms', 'Number_of_times_they_occured']
thewriter = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for word in uniqWords:
thewriter.writerow({'Name_of_acronyms': word,
'Number_of_times_they_occured': acronym_word.count(word)}) # Extrating the CSV file
full_acronym = [] # creating a list of acronym for which we will search its full form occurence in the document
for word in uniqWords:
words = str(
"(" + word + ")") # adding brackets to each acronym since full form is present at only condition of giving the acronym at the end of full form within a bracket
index = len(full_acronym)
full_acronym.insert(index, words) # inserting the acronyms with bracket to full_acronym list
# searching the occurence of each acronym for the first time in the document
for word in full_acronym:
with open("filepath", "r") as file:
for line_number, line in enumerate(file, start=1):
if word in line:
f"The First occurance and Full form of the acronym '{word[1:-1]}' is found on line {line_number} of the document.")
# seaching the words for which full form is not in the document
for word in full_acronym:
with open('filepath') as f:
if word in
print("The full form of acroname " + word[1:-1] + " is not found on the document.")
window = Tk()
button = Button(text="Open", command=openFile)