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Nasm x86-32: int to string

This nasm x86-32 code doesn't give any output.
It's a simple program to sum integers in an array, then convert the result to string for printing to the console.
The subroutine int_to_string is from an SO answer

I believe there's an issue when calling to or returning from the subroutine.
If someone can point to the issue(s). Thank you.

section .text

global _start

       mov eax, 0       
       mov ebx, array         
       mov ecx, 5  
       cmp ecx, 0   
       je print 
       add eax, [ebx]
       add ebx, 4   
       sub ecx, 1
       jmp loop
       ; convert integer to string
       mov  esi, buffer
       call int_to_string   
       ; eax now holds the address to pass to sys_write
       ; call write syscall
       mov edx, ecx   ; length of the string
       mov ecx, eax   ; address of the string
       mov ebx, 1     ; file descriptor, in this case stdout
       mov eax, 4     ; Syscall number:  write
       int 0x80

       ; call exit syscall
       mov eax, 1
       int 0x80

; Input:
; eax = integer value to convert
; esi = pointer to buffer to store the string in (must have room for at least 10 bytes)
; Output:
; eax = pointer to the first character of the generated string
; ecx = length of the generated string
            add esi, 9
            mov byte [esi], 0  ; String terminator
            mov ebx, 10
            xor edx, edx        ; Clear edx prior to dividing edx:eax by ebx
            div ebx             ; eax /= 10
            add dl, '0'         ; Convert the remainder to ASCII 
            dec esi            ; store characters in reverse order
            mov [esi], dl
            test eax, eax            
            jnz .next_digit    ; Repeat until eax==0

            ; return a pointer to the first digit (not necessarily the start of the provided buffer)
            mov eax, esi
section .data
            array dd 10, 20, 30, 40, 50  
section .bss
            buffer resb 10


  • Your code works perfectly except for one thing. When you call write syscall, you pass the ecx register to the edx register as a string length, but ecx is 0 because the code subtracted ecx just before in the for loop. So add mov ecx, 3 just before mov edx, ecx and it will be fine.