I have a JSON that looks like this, yes the JSON is a valid format.
"reason": "PowerUp",
"chargingStation": {
"model": "SingleSocketCharger",
"vendorName": "VendorX"
I'm using Play framework's JSON library and I would like to understand how I could parse the 3rd line and extract the BootNotification value as a String.
If it had a key, I can use that key to traverse the JSON and get the corresponding value, but this is not the case here. I also do not have the possibility to load this line by line and infer from line number 3 as with the example above.
Any suggestions on how I could do this?
I think, I have found out a way after trying all this on Ammonite. Here is what I could do:
@ val input: JsValue = Json.parse("""[2,"12345678","BNR",{"reason":"PowerUp"}]""")
input: JsValue = JsArray(ArrayBuffer(JsNumber(2), JsString("12345678"), JsString("BNR"), JsObject(Map("reason" -> JsString("PowerUp")))))
Parsing the JSON, I get a nice array and I know that I always expect just 4 elements in the Array, so explicitly looking for an element with the array index is what I need. So to get the text at position 3, I could do the following:
@ (input \ 2)
res2: JsLookupResult = JsDefined(JsString("BNR"))
@ (input \ 2).toOption
res3: Option[JsValue] = Some(JsString("BNR"))
@ (input \ 2).toOption.isDefined
res4: Boolean = true