I am trying to create some sort of translation egine. I am given a mapping of attributes, and using this mapping I need to translate an expression.
For example, I have this mapping:
"a": "A",
"b[*]": "B[*]",
"c": "C",
"ac": "D"
And an example input might be (the rule is that each token can be followed by a .
, it's actually a JSONPath):
should translate to A.B[*]
And each input can appear arbitraritly in the expression, for example I can have a mix:
=> A.C.B[*]
My solution was to create a list of Regexes out of this mapping, and looping that, searching and replacing the expression for each regex.
The problem was in inputs like that:
=> should have translated to D
but instead, since there exist mapping for a
and c
, their regexes match and I get AC
I thought to use word boundaries \b, but it didn't work well in cases there were special chars, like in the b[*]
example, as it's not included in the word boundary.
I also thought to extend the boundary, but nothing worked as expected.
In the bottom line: is there a way to replace a stirng by another, considering that only a full match is valid, but an expression can be part of a JSONPath string?
We can try building a regex alternation of the lookup keys. Then, use replace()
with a callback function to make the replacements. As the comment by @Nick above mentions, the alternation should place longer substrings first.
var map = {
"a": "A",
"b[*]": "B[*]",
"c": "C",
"ac": "D"
var input = "a.c.b[*]";
var output = input.replace(/(ac|a|c|b\[\*\])/g, (x, y) => map[y]);
This approach also avoids an ugly explicit loop.