I'm trying to pare down the libicudata.a
file to the bare minimum that would still allow me to be able to test the following:
u_stringHasBinaryProperty(icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8("🤙🏿").getBuffer(), -1, UProperty::UCHAR_RGI_EMOJI);
As per the instructions found here, I crafted the following file file and used it accordingly when configuring ICU's build.
"strategy": "additive",
"resourceFilters": [
"categories": [
"files": {
"includelist": [
"rules": []
I did end up with a (much) smaller file (17kb) but it's obviously not working. M code compiles, links and runs but fails the test.
The good folks at icu-support@lists.sourceforge.net helped me out. The information was (temporarily) missing from their documentation. The following filter is what I was looking for:
"strategy": "additive",
"featureFilters": {
"uemoji": "include"