I currently have a Maven Java 11 project that builds fine. However, I use Eclipse's implementation of the language-server for editing the code within Emacs. This works fine, everything that I really need is available.
However, my question, is how can I disable the Eclipse LSP/compiler from attempting to auto-compile the project? It's not always an issue, but often the JDTLS seems to be recompile everything all the time to the point that when I run Maven, it has to recompile everything again. At best, this is a slowdown in the develop->test cycle. At worst, I have to clean build frequently.
Eclipse has an option in its GUI which "builds automatically". I am curious, is there a text file I can toggle this setting with?
According to the lsp-java documentation, the setting you are looking for is lsp-java-autobuild-enabled
However, if there is a way to run the tests directly rather than via Maven, it would be faster since Maven does not support incremental compiling like JDT does (ideally, compiling should be done incrementally on save and not when running the application or a test).