I have been working on an app where the front-end (React) and back-end (Micronaut) are separate. They currently communicate via REST use Micronaut's built-in JWT authentication. I'd like to use something like Auth0 or Keycloak to avoid having to implement user management code.
Is that possible given the separation of my front-end and back-end? If so, are there any resources I can use? I haven't found many concrete answers to that question, but have been looking into OAuth's Client Credentials Flow. Is that what I want in this case?
Auth0 has documentation on how to do authentication through their authentication code flow which can work well for REST APIs. It uses jwts, but gives you an easy way to verify the jwts and get the token info using their get user info api.
If this is not what you’re looking for, I would recommend checking out the Auth0 authentication API docs. It walks you through setting up many different kinds of complex authentication flows and (in my opinion) makes them pretty easy to implement. Hope that helps!