It appears that the fetch task is not working. I haven't found any bugs, and compared this task to a job that worked.
Fetch task that succeeded ->
fetch [type=bridge name="armanino-trust-token" requestData=
"{\"id\": $(jobSpec.externalJobID), \"data\": { \"tokenName\": $(decode_cbor.tokenName)}}"]
Fetch task that is failing ->
fetch [type=bridge name="rasp-pi-cpu" requestData=
"{\"id\": $(jobSpec.externalJobID), \"data\": { \"pi-temp\": $(decode_cbor.pi-temp)}}"]
This is the error that appears in my logs ->
requestData: while unmarshalling JSON: invalid character '$' looking for beginning of value; js: {"id": { "__chainlink_key_path__": "jobSpec.externalJobID" }, "data": { "pi-temp": $(decode_cbor.pi-temp)}}: bad input for task
Dashes are not allowed in pipeline variable names. Replace pi-temp
with pi_temp
and it should work.