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Open hidden elements one at a time?

please I am trying to create a FAQ like functionality, I have some elements hidden so when I click on a button it opens and hides it. I have been able to do this but I am not getting what I actually want. I might have done something wrong I suppose. So, there are 5 elements with the same className, this will help me target them all and run a for loop to kind of break them apart. However if I click on this button to open one of the element the other ones open.

const openBtn = document.querySelectorAll(".openBtn")
const openContent = document.querySelectorAll(".openContent")

for(btn of openBtn) {
    btn.addEventListener('click', () => {
        for(content of openContent) {
            if (content.classList.contains('hidden')) {
            } else {

So as you can see, If I click on the chevron icon for just one of the wither About Us, Careers or just any of the 5 every other one opens. How do I fix this ?

So as you can see, If I click on the chevron icon for just one of the wither About Us, Careers or just any of the 5 every other one opens. How do I fix this ?


  • Since you aren't going to post even the most general version of your HTML, here is a general outline.

    First, each button gets a data attribute for target,then each FAQ div gets an ID attribute that matches the data target attribute.

    I attach the click handler to the document and look for openBTN on the clicked element. Then I loop through every OPENED div to close it. Then I get the target data attribute and add the appropriate classes.

    document.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
      if ("openBtn")) {
        let opened = document.querySelectorAll(".openContent.flex");
        opened.forEach(function(el) {
        let target = document.querySelector(
    .hidden {
      display: none
    <button data-target="#faq1" class="openBtn">OPEN</button>
    <div id="faq1" class="openContent hidden">1</div>
    <button data-target="#faq2" class="openBtn">OPEN</button>
    <div id="faq2" class="openContent hidden">2</div>
    <button data-target="#faq3" class="openBtn">OPEN</button>
    <div id="faq3" class="openContent hidden">3</div>
    <button data-target="#faq4" class="openBtn">OPEN</button>
    <div id="faq4" class="openContent hidden">4</div>