I have two images in a stack, say #a and #b. b's opacity is 1 and I want when I hover my mouse over it, it will start animating opacity from 0 to 1 and than 1 to 0. In this way this loop will be continued until mouse goes out of the image.
You can find a similar thing here: http://www.myhabit.com/#page=b&dept=women&sale=A3RT7N8JLFHTE3&ref=qd_g_cur_img_b
I am new in jQuery.
var cancel = false;
$("#b").hover(function() {
var fadeDirection = 0;
var next = function(jqo) {
if(cancel) {
jqo.fadeIn(); // <-- not the neatest but I don't know another way to make it compatible
jqo.stop(false, true);
if(fadeDirection = 1 - fadeDirection) {
jqo.fadeIn(function() { next(jqo); });
} else {
jqo.fadeOut(function() { next(jqo); });
}, function() {
cancel = true;
Something like that?