I run tests with Playwright and the tests differs if it's mobile or not.
When mobile I need to run page.tap()
but when desktop I need to run page.click()
I have a working code bellow but how should i prevent DRY code in lots of tests?
Example code
test("Example test", async ({ page, isMobile }) => {
async function tapOrClick(selector) {
await page.tap(selector);
else {
await page.click(selector);
await tapOrClick('click on the DOM')
await tapOrClick('click on the DOM 1')
await tapOrClick('click on the DOM 2')
Then similar tests will be in another test file.
test("Example test 2", async ({ page, isMobile }) => {
async function tapOrClick(selector) {
await page.tap(selector);
else {
await page.click(selector);
await tapOrClick('another click on the DOM')
await tapOrClick('another click on the DOM 1')
await tapOrClick('another click on the DOM 2')
Solved it. It became a help class that looks like the following
export class Helper {
readonly isMobile: boolean;
constructor(isMobile: boolean) {
this.isMobile = isMobile
async clickOrTap(selector: string) {
await this.page.tap(selector);
else {
await this.page.click(selector);
Use it like this
import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { Helper } from "../helpers/Helper"
test("Example test", async ({ page, isMobile }) => {
const custom = new Helper(isMobile as boolean);
// Click the account button
await custom.clickOrTap('button[data-element-id=logged-in-sidebar]')