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Parsing JSON Array in Azure APIM policy

I need some help Parsing JSON Array in Azure APIM policy. My input to my API is a JSON Array but I want the output of the API to be JSON without the "[]", I just can't get the policy to remove them.

Here is the JSON Array input to my API:

   "id": "myId",
   "topic": "myTopic",
   "subject": "/apis/test;Rev=1",
   "data": {
     "resourceUri": "myResourceUri"
   "eventType": "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIUpdated",
   "dataVersion": "1",
   "metadataVersion": "1",
   "eventTime": "2022-09-08T14:22:46.7708654Z"

But I would like the Output of the policy to remove the square brackets [], like this:

   "id": "myId",
   "topic": "myTopic",
   "subject": "/apis/test;Rev=1",
   "data": {
     "resourceUri": "myResourceUri"
   "eventType": "Microsoft.ApiManagement.APIUpdated",
   "dataVersion": "1",
   "metadataVersion": "1",
   "eventTime": "2022-09-08T14:22:46.7708654Z"

Here is my policy (which I copied from a tutorial and manipulated):

        <base />
        <set-variable value="@(context.Request.Headers["Aeg-Event-Type"].Contains("SubscriptionValidation"))" name="isEventGridSubscriptionValidation" />
        <set-variable value="@(context.Request.Headers["Aeg-Event-Type"].Contains("Notification"))" name="isEventGridNotification" />
            <when condition="@(context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault<bool>("isEventGridSubscriptionValidation"))">
                    <set-status code="200" reason="OK" />
                          var events = context.Request.Body.As<string>(); 
                          JArray a = JArray.Parse(events);
                          var eventGridData = a.First["data"];
                          var validationCode = eventGridData["validationCode"];
                          var jOutput =
                             new JObject(
                                new JProperty("validationResponse", validationCode)
                        return jOutput.ToString();
            <when condition="@(context.Variables.GetValueOrDefault<bool>("isEventGridNotification"))">
                <send-one-way-request mode="new">
                        var events = context.Request.Body.As<string>(); 
            JArray a = JArray.Parse(events);
            var eventGridData = a.First["data"];
            var song = eventGridData["song"];
            return new JObject( 
                new JProperty("text", String.Format(" {1}", 
                 song, a))).ToString();   
                    <set-status code="200" reason="OK" />
        <base />
        <base />
        <base />

ANY HELP GREATLY APPRECIATED! Extra points if you can remove the reference to "song", which I cannot without breaking the policy...


  • You have to convert your json array to a json object like this:

    <set-body>@(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject((JObject)(context.Request.Body.As<JArray>(preserveContent: true))[0]))</set-body>

    Your can remove the serialization if you want to keep the body as a json object. But the trick is to capture the body as a JArray and then use the [0] to choose the "first" object in the array and thereafter convert your body to a JObject.