I'm trying to assign housePrototype as the prototype of House object, and followed up with this error
Object.assign(House.prototype, this.housePrototype); ^ TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
What am I doing wrong?
const House = {
name: 'houseObject',
readLocation: (location)=>{
console.log(`house is located at ${location}`)
const housePrototype = {
readLocation: (location) => {
console.log(`house prototype is located at ${location}`)
Object.assign(House.prototype, housePrototype)
All credit goes to @JaromandaX. He explained the issue in the comments of the question.
Even though functions are Objects in JavaScript they are NOT identical. To access the prototype of a function function() {}.prototype
can be used. But in the question, it is trying to access the prototype of a regular object, not a function object, which is undefined, thus the error.
Object.assign(House.__proto__, housePrototype);
With this it is possible to assign desired object to the prototype (It is not recommended to assign any variables to proto and it si not at all a common pra)
The solution code would be
const House = {
name: 'houseObject',
readLocation: (location)=>{
console.log(`house is located at ${location}`)
const housePrototype = {
readLocation: (location) => {
console.log(`house prototype is located at ${location}`)
Object.assign(House.__proto__, housePrototype)
I found a complete description in following StackOverflow thread __proto__ VS. prototype in JavaScript