I am working on a WordPress site that is using Advanced Custom Fields and the HTML title is in one of the field groups and each new page has a page title entered manually and then output with
<title><?php echo the_field('custompagetitle'); ?></title>
For example pages are titled PAGE ONE, PAGE TWO, etc.
I am looking for a way to convert all page titles to Capitalized as in into Page One, Page Two, etc.
I believe the HTML title can not be targeted by css so I have searched here and elsewhere for javascript or other method to achieve this but almost every example I find outputs the to log console or is for other strings and constants but not the page title.
Would appreciate any ideas, thanks
EDIT: This may be due to how ACF processes php because answers posted until this edit don't seem to work. Adding ACF tag as well.
You can try this code it will work. I have tested this code.
<title><?php echo ucwords(strtolower(get_field('custompagetitle'))); ?>